Pain Management
No pet should have to needlessly experience pain. Unfortunately, pet owners may have a difficult time determining if their canine or feline companion is experiencing discomfort. This is because in nature, animals hide their pain as a survival technique so not to appear weak to potential predators. The team at Sand Road Animal Hospital is committed to reducing or eliminating pain experienced by your furry family members. An integral part of managing pain is helping you, the pet owner, become aware of subtle changes in your pet’s behavior that might indicate he or she is experiencing discomfort.
Pet Pain Management
Recognizing Pain in Pets
- Decrease in activity or mobility
- Difficulty rising
- Stiffness or limping
- Decreased appetite
- Resistance to being picked up or held
- Excessive licking at one area, such as a wrist joint
- Vocalizing (whining or moaning)
- Becoming quiet and withdrawn, hiding or sleeping in remote areas
- Inappropriate aggressive behavior or irritability
- Personality changes
- Restless, unable to get comfortable, fitful at night, frequently changing positions
- Increased respiratory rate, panting
Treating Pain
There are two kinds of pain: chronic and acute. Chronic pain is usually the result of degenerative conditions such as osteoarthritis or neuromuscular diseases. Acute pain is experienced quickly and normally associated with an injury or a surgical procedure.
Whether chronic or acute, pain can greatly affect your pet’s healing process and quality of life. Our practice offers a number of solutions for managing or eliminating pain in companion animals. At Sand Road Animal Hospital, we will develop a pain management plan based on the unique needs and requirement of each patient. Our goal is to minimize or eliminate pain in your pet to enhance their recovery process and to maintain his or her comfort for years to come.
In some cases, laser therapy may be a good option for treating your pet’s pain.
Laser therapy is normally combined with other types of veterinary medicine including pharmaceutical regimens and alternative treatments. The broad biochemical benefits and lack of adverse side effects have made laser therapy the preferred post-operative rehab method in veterinary medicine. If you would like to know more about pain management solutions and if it could benefit your pet, contact us at 860-824-5223.